Wednesday, 10 September 2008

We Live to Die Another Day

So, the world was supposed to end today. But it is my understanding that the universe has not (yet) been sucked into the oblivion of a black I guess the inevitable Apocalypse has been avoided for one more day, at least. How did you spend your 'last hours'? I had a bubble bath, read about Rembrandt and did some contemporary dancing. It's not that hard, really: leap, fall to the ground, flick your hair around and leap again. Fun though.


Ashlee. said...

Made a terrible short film. Ate some stuff. Danced around...
Actually, that's what I do normally.
Tell you what... next time the world's supposed to end, we'll contemporary dance together, for I am wonderful at acting like a maniac... the people at the childcare centre didn't like that very much... not my fault they don't engage their own kids in extremely dangerous flips and tosses...
I'm gonna be a great mum.

Scooter Trash said...

Well, I dunno. I AM a pretty hard core contemporary dancer..I dunno if you could keep up.

:P it's not a tongue, he just has a buck tooth.

The Tea Party Police said...

I should become a contemporary dancer. I should, and I WILL!