Monday, 8 September 2008

Minor Freakout

Birds outside are tweeting oddly. Most likely it's dark and elritch chanting summoning forth the avian god of destruction. Need bird unusual predicament indeed, but one that is no surprise to someone as sick as me. Is it just me who notices these things? Where has all my life gone? Why am I wasting my time blogging to people who couldn't care in the least about what I have to say? Where am I? What year is it? WHO IS THE PRESIDENT?!?!


Ashlee. said...

I am. I am the president. I am.

Teagan said...

Maybe it's a Sweeney Todd moment and you're, like, locked up in Judge Turpin's house and you're going to start singing about green finches and linett birds?

(Sorry still obsessed)

The President of what?

The Tea Party Police said...

President of the World. I am el Presidenta, and you must adress me accordingly from now on..henceforth!