Wednesday, 26 December 2007

I be a NERD!

Halloo, my fellow cyber-geeks. As anyone at my school will know, I be a NERD! Not like a Math nerd, but an English and Geography nerd. GEEKS ROXXORZ! I'm not saying I don't have friends- coz I do. I wrote about them on my other blog. I'd say that I'm one of the 'kewl' nerds at my school. Mine is a dying species, our beautiful kind drifting away into the ominous black from which we came . . see, English geek! I don't really mind being called a nerd, dork or geek - although I do prefer the name "Gigantor". Contrary to what my friends think, I DO NOT like the name 'Smelly McSmell-Smell'. Are they really that slow that they only JUST figured out that my name rhymes with smelly? Come on, guys! Also contrary to popular belief, I don't actually smell.

See ya later, stupizoids!

Hugs and kisses,



Ashlee. said...
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Ashlee. said...

Yes, you are indeed a nerd, but something is deeply troubling me... the demise of the few nerds that do remain on the face of the Earth. I mean, of course, you and I shall be around for a while yet, due to our amazing shields, but for the rest of the nerds still managing to sustain some life force... their time is drawing ever closer. Unfortunately, there is only one thing that any of us can do for the endangered ones... build them light sabers the size of an incredibly large animal, such as a giraffe, or an elephant. Sure, it is to be expected that the nerds in question, using these light sabers of tremendous force, will not be able to so much as lift them above their heads, but we must have faith, and make them aware of the Force that is inside them. Only then can they truly prosper on this Earth. I'm positive that there is a planet located somewhere in the Universe specially created for nerds of all kinds, but until that planet is located, we will just have to raise up from the depths of our mother's basements and strike, using our gigantic light sabers!