On one of my posts, some of you replied with Xs and Os. Thanks for all replies re:the Xs and Os of love. But now I am more confused than ever. What if I lean in for an X, but get an O? Wait...Is the X the kiss and the O the hug? The X seems almost too aggressive to stand for an act of affection. Maybe it means ANGRY KISS...like I LOVE YOOOOO *grrrrrr*
Fly Haiku
A note to the fly, who flew straight into my mouth; you forgot a leg.
Sock Haiku
An odd dream last night; all my socks had got divorced, and my feet were sad.
Cookie Haiku
Spoon of cookie dough, dessert for the impatient. Oven's too damn slow.
l ~' ' ' \ *
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O is hug because it is round and enclosing, like a hug is.
X is kiss because kisses are X-cellent.
Okay so I just made that up. Doesn't make it any less true.
Well, maybe it does.
Yeah, it probably does.
(no Xs for you, lest someone think me a lezzy-bean.)
You're more than welcome, hunnybunch.
I heart how you make up all this rad stuff! The poems, the catch-phrases...that's just rad.
:-) Rad.
I got you a rose for Valentine's Day!
And a little ducky!!
i like the fly peom lol
I love the Cookie Dough Haiku!
And you're welcome for the x's and o's! In fact, here are some more:
X and an O and an X OH! and another X!
*It's a kitten, by the way.*
That's funny... it doesn't LOOK like a kitten. It doesn't SMELL like a kitten. It doesn't FEEL like a kitten. It doesn't SOUND like a kitten. It certainly doesn't TASTE like a kitten...
Therefore, it MUST be a kitten!
You're really mean. Did you know that, Ashlee?
My hands smell like keys and flyspray
They're not kisses by the way.
I know I'm mean. It's what I do.
Yay! Comment!
CommentS. I meant commentS.
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