Anywho...I eat honey from packets, I CANNOT sleep in total silence, I hate open doors in small rooms, mostly I read magazines from back-to-front, bare feet scare me, I can only eat my cereal with a teaspoon (I don't understand how people can eat toast without anything on it), I count bathroom tiles and I hum too much.
Anything odd that you guys do? If so, please let me know!
XD Elly
Ohmuhguh! You totally stoled this idea from my blood type post! And you didn't comment in the comments a comment about stuffs I need to know ;_; That hurts, it really does.
Allo. As I told you the other day in literature, if I imagine something up, like a puppy, I treat it like a real live puppy is there. I think about what songs I'll sing in the shower beforehand. I eat my cereal with a teaspoon too. I cannot stand margarine or butter on sandwiches or toast, unless it's raisen toast, in which case num num num. I don't work or sleep very well without some kind of noise, usually music.
I can't think of anything else right now. The voices in my head are telling me not to mention them. No, I didn't. I said I didn't! Would I lie to you? It's always a trust issue with you, isn't it? It's my life! Yes it is!
Go away!
Leave now, and never come back.
Leave now, and NEVER COME BACK!
H... hello?
They're gone.
I'm so lonely now.
So cold...
Abandoned by the voices inside my own head...
You know you're not meant to have friends in your life when that happens.
wow and i thought my obsession with socks was weird ... i have never felt so normal
Sorry Teagan!
I didn't mean to.
I'll comment on your post right now. (And I didn't really steal it, as I didn't ask for comments. I just..borrowed it.)
...I did ask for comments.
Thanks for the blog comment. I do like the Strokes, but I'd never seen a picture of their singer until I looked through your blog...and I second your opinion; I would totally marry him. :)
I like the comic you have in this post.
Also, I scratch the inside of my right thumb when I'm bored or nervous.
Once I scratched it so much it bled.
Maybe I should get that checked out...my a psychologist...
And when I get really, really upset I stare really hard at one spot to stop myself crying and/or impolding.
How are the things? Do you remember me? Now I'm on the university first year, what about you?
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