Yup. Got all my hair cut off..again. Heh heh, pixie-tastic! I super like it to the extreme. What do you, my lovely readers, think? There's one of my an Ashlee doing our 'This is when we realised we were going to be famous' faces, thanks to The Rocker-"He..can't be..killed"
(___)O ....Yes. It is a bunny. How skills am I? Boo yah. Skills. (Welcome back, sailor man!)
*please note that these photos were taken at 2 or 3 AM, so be sympathetic*
Your tongues are dirty. That is all I have to say.
Except for I liked your hair the way it was :\
Well I think it looks good I'm not sure if the photos do it justice, I can't wait to see it in RL
*Teagan* Our tongues are dirty 'cause we be ODin' on blue MnMs, foo'. Yea, I learn you good, biatch! I pity da foo'!!
(I think it's awesome - I can do the rock and roll hair shake so easily now!! Also, I have the BEST bed hair EVER - as you may see in some follow up posts)
Heh heh, btw, wtf are you speain in abbrviations 4, trvs? rofl. And yes, it is better in RL.
So hot. The pixie look is very ahead of the times! You little trend-setter, you.
It's also really versatile, because you can straighten it for a classic, chic look, or gel it for rock and roll bed head.
Really suits you!
Lovely. Is that a Run Fatboy Run t-shirt I spy? If so, wicked, 'coz I have one too!
Very lovely.
--Flattering, too--
shrn. that's all i have to say.
u look so cute!
is it okay if i call you 'pixie' from now on?
k, good.
cya, pixie!!
nice hair..
p/s: i love gossip girl too!
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