This is Tokio Hotel. They are a German emo-ish band. I like their song Monsoon. It is on my 'Highest Rated' playslist. I'm pretty sure the dude with the dreads is a chick, and even though the lead singer (Bill Something-or-other) looks like a porcupine with guyliner, he's about a 4.5 on the Scale of Loish..just for his hair.
i am so gettin his hair!
I've heard of Tokio Hotel, and I have some of their stuff, but I haven't heard Monsoon.
Are you recommending it? If so, I'll check it out.
I am recomending 'Monsoon' with every cell of my body! I LOVE that song! I ADORE it!
*And you will, too - if you have any taste. Which you must do, because you follow my blog!
still want his hair!!
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