Sunday 21 December 2008

Just A Thought

"This idea is going to make us so rich!!" "Yeah, I know. We're gonna make poodles of money!" "Yea..wait..did you just say poodles of money?" "Uh-huh. You know, when you have enough money to fill up several poodles." "Oh right."
*I was in a semi-inebriated state after a chocolate/lack-of-sleep bender, and this thought emposed itself on my blank canvas of a mind. My subconscious is rather funny.


DannyBoi said...

I will make poodles of money when I'm rich. With moneys.

Who Do I Think I Am? said...

LMAO *am I too old to say that? It's so depressing.

Love the post! So funny - did you really think of that? I'm not judging, I've been prone to borrowing, but if you haven't, you should write . . funny books! Then you'd make buttloads AND poodles of the green stuff.

*rhymes with poodles! I crack myself up. Crack.

Scooter Trash said...

Ultimate staring contest: Ninja vs Chuck Norris. 'Hah! Made you blink!' 'No you didn't, I was squinting with rage.'
I'm happy to be easily amused. Cause what's the alternative? Hard to amuse? Useless bastard I'd be then.
James, your not old. You're what, 26? *Checks porfile* Yes, 26. That's not old at all. 27, on the other can say LMAO, ROFL, LOL and other Internet things for as long as you like (until you turn 27)

Super Nova ®ª¢ê said...

Gosh! I haven't been on your blog in one..two...three..TEN DAYS!!!
Soz - but I'm here now.
I'll never leeve u again!

v00d00_b0b said...

ninjas don't need to blink, question: If a ninja falls in a forest does he/she make a sound, no, ninjas don't make sounds if you hear a ninja make a sound it will be the last sound you'll ever hear

Teagan said...

My subconscious came up with my password =\
Funny old world innit?