~Music Or Some Such Whimsical Nonsense~

Mood: Fine, thank you very much.
Listening to: Songs that remind me of people. (Emmy-Lou *Emma* = Story of a Girl by Nine Days. Caitlin = Drops of Jupiter by Train. Rach = Curse of Curves by Cute Is What We Aim For. Ashlee *Lurch* = Papercut Skin by The Matches..or..You Can Breathe Now by Jack's Mannequin. Teagan *Smithy* = Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House. Teagan *Ford* = Bodies by Little Birdy. Daniel = Ohio Is For Lovers by Hawthorne Heights. Justin = Riot by Sugarcult. Jack = Barbie Girl by Aqua. Jake *Turtle* = Run by Snow Patrol..or..Still Fond by Cut Off Your Hands. Vince = Kelly by Van She. Travis = Release Me by Mae (but only the chorus)..or..Toothpaste Kisses by The Maccabees. Tom *Giggles* = My Name Is Jonas by Wheezer. Raoul = Autumn's Monologue by From Autumn to Ashes..or..All the Small Things by Blink 182)
Where You At? The secret HQ for the 'Van Morrison and Miley Cyrus Haters Not-Anonymous'. We have corn-on-the-cob. *Pulls out banana* Nyom nyom nyom -eats-
In conclusion, here are some things that make me *and, to a certain degree, a small amount of you* skill. #1 I like keeping small change in my wallet 'cause then it feels full of money..and I jingle when I walk. #2 Dude, I'm tripping balls. #3 I actually LIKE old movies. I don't just say that I do to be cool..Katie..pfft. #4 I know lots and lots of webcomics. None of which you can know. #5 Sometimes, I wear the same pair of jeans for over three weeks straight, and they still feel uncomfortably clean. #6 I'm a sociologist / tattoo artist / museum curator / author / gallery curator / art-historian / art restorer / Indie muso goddess in training. #7 Dude, I'm tripping balls.
*Footnote - 'Dude, I'm tripping balls' is a colloquial term for the feeling of being 'high as a kite', or stoned. Yes.
I have a skill.
One skill.
That is not really a skill.
More of a strange mental deficiency.
When driving past a cemetery, I hold my breath. Even if it's a big cemetery, I don't like breathing while I pass it. To me, it seems rude to rub it in that I'm alive and they're not.
That sounds stupid. I'm well aware of that.
Anywho, what is this Papercut Skin by The Matches? Or this You Can Breathe Now by Jack's Mannequin? How do they remind you of me? Can they really be THAT awesome?
They're pretty ok songs. Lively, fun and still chillaxed.
So I'm... pretty ok? That's good to know.
I love Jack's Mannequin! ^_^ Heard one of their songs on Steph Meyer's website. It was awwwwe-some.
Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House.
Please explain.
Good post that one, it's very interesting.Where do you listen the songs? You download it?Thanks.
I took a listen to both of those songs and must say I like them both
kk bye <3
i hate old movies.
but luv you!
Do I have a song? I think I should have a song.
-You'd be California by Phantom Planet. No. Not pretty enough.
Where do you get these guys?
Everyone loves you on the internet!
Look at all the x's and o's!
And there's even a <3!!
-I just can't help myself
Danny, you'd probably be Dead Barbie by The Goons of Doom.
Or Creep by Radiohead. Please don't take that the wrong way, I really, really like that song, so it's a compliment!
LOL. James, they do love me, but I fave no idea why. They just flock to my blog, and love me.
*funny accent sayin'not'*
People do love you on the internet. And in the real world. It's so annoying. You should only be allowed to be popular in one.
I haven't chosen which one I will be popular in. That's the only reason why everyone hates me - it's just because I haven't chosen. Once I choose, though, millions and millions of people will swarm around me, crying "Oh wise and powerful Ashlee, how did you ever get so brilliant?" to which I will respond "Hush hush, my friends. The true secret to being brilliant is..." Then I will ramble on about how it's all in the wrist and whatnot.
See, I try and draw attention to myself via typing long, boring comments on your blog. Because no one looks at my blog. Maybe I should just start putting my posts in comment-format here.
Sound like a good idea? Yes. Really, can I do it? Go ahead, Ashlee.
Yup, I was just talking to myself.
I think that if you were a song, you'd be Where Do You Go To My Lovely? by Peter Sarstedt, 7 Stars by The Apples in stereo, Princess by Short Stack (lol, bunny-pasher!), She Moves In Her Own Way by The Kooks, or Hallelujah by Paramore. I was thinking Something's Always Wrong by Toad the Wet Sprocket, but moreso for the tune. The lyrics are alright, but... meh.
I think this comment had been long enough. No doubt I've lost most of you anyway.
BYE! (waves frantically)
aaaw ashlee i would 'flock' but ya know what with being on the other side of the world 'n'all.
Really? Princess? Bunny-pasher?
Nyaaw, Ashlee.
You know how much I love that dude's face! :)
And I'm not popular.
Edge Maverick.
Best. Name. Ever.
Long time no comment, babe!
Oh my God! Hi!
How was the wedding?
Bless you for remembering, sweetie!
It was the most magical day of my life. Hands down.
:) Thankyou again for asking!
I can honestly say I've never heard of any of those bands.
You should.
Long time no comment, babe.
21 comments... now 22. How do you do it?
And I think everyone who has ever read this blog would agree with me when I say you're popular on the internet.
Lol - tripping balls. I didn't read that last time or the time before.
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