Sunday, 21 December 2008

Happy Birthday To Me...

"Sorry that everyone ignoring your birthday led you to falsely suspect a surprise party."
I'm fifteen now! Yipee! Got some stuff and texts of congratulations as well as a phone call from my Grandma. Books too. I don't really feel any different, but I suppose that will sink in. Helena made me some cookie-cake with fudge icing *because she spilt the cake mix all over the wall* and I had glow-in-the-dark candles; yes, I know..flippin' sweet! At least now I can sulk for days when I'm not invited to MA movies. Because now I know it's because no one likes me.
Ashlee: you still owe me the $10. And a card. As do all of you readers. Or at least a cheery comment that basically says "Happy birthday to someone who I know barely anything about other than it's your birthday today." XD Love you all!


DannyBoi said...

Happy birthday! you really love me? That's very good news. Now I can brag to all of my friends who think I'm afraid of the fairer sex. I shall say to them, I'll say "That may be what you think, but I have a girlfriend on the Intarnet." And they shall be shocked.

Who Do I Think I Am? said...

"May your birthday be devoid of cute animals with soul-shredding wordplay."
Ooooh, that Danny kid's keen, isn't he?
-Sorry your birthday is overshadowed by the holiday season.
Happy Birthday!!

The Tea Party Police said...

Happy brithday to you. Happy birthday to you. Hurry up and blow your candles out. I've got better things to do..*door slams*
Well..the word verification thinks it's funny. It says 'crackup'-for real, yo.

Scooter Trash said...

:) Thanks Danny and James (I'm calling you from your real names now, k?)
Danny - I'm not sure the whole 'long-distance relationship' could work. It's not you, it's me. Sorry. But do feel free to brag to your friends!
Thanks again, everyone!
<3 Elly

Super Nova ®ª¢ê said...

I love you too! Happy bday!
-How old are u now? We can be BFFs, ok? I'm gunna take that as a yes.
Yay! Friends!

v00d00_b0b said...

hmmm a cheery comment that basically says 'Happy birthday to someone who I know barely anything about other than it's your birthday today' well here it goes 'Happy birthday to someone who I know barely anything about other than it's your birthday today' ;^)

p.s sorry I haven't commented in a while but a lack of comments doesn't mean I don't view your blog almost every time I go on an expedition through the wonders of the internet