So, I saw Twilight the other day. One word, dude:
flippin-sweet. I take back what I said about Robert
Pattison; he makes an awesome Edward. I LOVE his hair! *drool* Twilight is way better than I thought it would be, because the books are so amazing (I've read all but Eclipse now) Best. Movie. Ever..at the moment. Also, it's Helena's eleventh birthday - hurrah and all that jazz.
"And so the lamb fell in love with the lion."
So you read Breaking Dawn before you read Eclipse :|
You HAVE to read Midnight Sun.
It's on stepheniemeyer.com under books>Midnight Sun. It's a PDF file 264 incomplete, heavenly pages of Edward's thoughts
Can't be missed<3333
I think I'm in love..not with the actor, but I find the whole brooding, protective, dangerous, shiny vampire thing very attractive.
I had no idea he was so pro at piano! I like piano! YAY!
This is hopeless.
Have you noticed that all of the book titles are uber cliche? Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Twilight, Midnight Sun...you get the idea.
Stephenie Meyer is so cool. She has a husband called Paco or Pucco or something.
I bet she excretes awesome.
Why must you lie?
I'm going to pull you up on the fact that you haven't actually read Twilight.
Also, like no one else got the connection between the book titles. Well done.
If I sound mean, I apologise, I'm just not in one of the brightest moods, and your lying makes me angry. Hulk angry, even.
I love Twilight! I went to see it with Lacie (my roomate)and we both fell in love with Edward! Tall, dark, handsome, painfully awkward at times, nice hair and/or butt...what's not to love?
But, if you want him, you can have him. If there's ever the situation where I'm stalking him, hoping that he'll ask me out and he stumbles across you and is smitten like a kitten in a mitten...you have my blessing.
Happy birthday to your sister, too!
Thanks, James. That means a lot to me. Now we can work as a team of vampire hunters- not hunt to kill, hunt to perve on. I'm glad that I have your blessing to date a fictional book character, thank you!!
-Helena says thanks too
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